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Guten Yardening Bio

Organic Urban Yardening!  We started yardening (yard gardening) in 2014 with a tiny 3x3 raised bed and a few vegetables that grew rather poorly.  


That little raised bed was the beginning of our journey towards food security.  Today we have transformed our yard into a yarden with over 40 types of fruits and vegetables.


We use a wide variety of growing mediums and methods, and we are always looking to try a new way to increase our food harvest.


Our mission is to inspire and encourage individuals and families of all levels of experience and ability to move away from store bought produce and begin growing their own far superior fruits and vegetables.

WOW! GreenStalk Vertical Garden Potato Harvest 2021| Green stalk Potato Reveal 2021| Guten Yardening
Guten Gardening

WOW! GreenStalk Vertical Garden Potato Harvest 2021| Green stalk Potato Reveal 2021| Guten Yardening

WOW! Stunning GreenStalk Vertical Garden Potato Harvest 2021 | Vertical Gardening Potato Reveal | Guten Yardening Potato Reveal 2021 We are a GreenStalk Gardener Affiliate. To receive $10 off your greenstalk purchase, click this link: and enter code: GUTEN at checkout. THEY NOW SHIP TO CANADA! Three months ago, we planted Red La Soda potatoes, Superior White potatoes, and Adirondack Blue potatoes, in our greenstalk stackable gardening system, and now we are finally able to harvest them and see how growing potatoes in a vertical garden had gone. We are very pleased with our greenstalk planter, and this harvest did not disappoint. It was our first time growing these potato varieties, and we really wanted to see how well they would do in the green stalk. As we suspected, some varieties performed better than others, and some tiers performed better than others, but like our friend Geeky Gardens' results, we were pleased by the results. We hope you enjoy this vertical garden harvest and are inspired to try out your own GreenStalk vertical garden using the GreenStalk garden coupon link in the description. Thanks for watching. If you are interested in being a part of our Yardening Community Initiative, contact us at: If you like my hat, you can get it here: Shop With Us: Join our public Facebook group: Search Guten Yardening Social Media Presence: Follow us on twitter: And on Instagram: Theme Song: Country Cue 1 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist: #GreenStalkVerticalGarden #VerticalGardening #PotatoHarvest2021

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